Since 2011 Arketipos has been committed to promoting the vision of Landscape as a result of the extraordinary interaction between human beings, culture and nature.
The profound and rapid transformation that challenges society's founding values are now the starting point for a new approach to an improved quality of landscape design.
Today as never before, in the face of pandemics, wars, and environmental crises that are altering the planet, we are questioning how landscape design can be valuable and instrumental in positively confronting the various crises and fostering the regeneration of society.
Arketipos has approached leading figures from around the world, inviting landscape architects, garden and plant designers, philosophers, writers, photographers, researchers and botanists, to share their vision and discuss social, urban, environmental issues and integration between people and nature.
These figures will play a key role in interpreting and responding to the dynamics of environmental, social and economic change, with the goal of building resilient ecosystems to positively address today's emergencies and to build a solid foundation for the future.
We hope to generate an awareness that will riase the concern about sustainable development, which needs to embrace all factors ranging from environmental regeneration, biodiversity, resource conservation, and stable economic growth based on the social value of choice.